About the Lodges

The Lodges provides 24-hour customized care in peaceful residential settings. We support residents who require simple assistance as well as residents with complex cares and high acuities.
We have 10 unique homes across the Twin Cities – each accommodating between 5 to 14 residents. These homes are in a variety of locations to fit our resident’s preferences and needs. There are charming, country lodge homes and homes in quiet neighborhoods just blocks from parks and shops. All of our homes feature a casual and inviting environment – including spacious dining rooms and informal common areas perfect for gathering with friends and family or other residents and staff. Guests are welcome and encouraged to visit at any time.
Our highly trained and experienced staff specialize in complex cares and supporting high acuity residents with customized individual care plans.
Behavior Specialist on Staff
Capable of Caring for Higher Complexity
Wide Range of Acuity Levels
Awake Night Staff
Care Staff 24 hrs/day
Nurse On-Call 24 hrs/day, Nurse On-Site 24 hrs/day
Admissions Available 24/7
We Accept CADI Waiver, Brain Injury Waiver, Private Pay and Elderly Waiver

Our Core Values Represent Our Commitment to Residents, Families, Clients and Staff.
Puts Residents Above All Else
Residents are our priority and must remain top of mind.
We prioritize our residents. Customized care plans are executed and refreshed frequently. We cannot, and should not, ignore any resident’s individual interests. This sets our residents up to have the highest success rate.
Unwavering devotion to support our company mission.
Family-style care derives from dedicated professionals with a passion to help those in need no matter their background or abilities.
Open and Honest
Productively share feedback with the intention of bettering individuals and the company.
All individuals deserve honest feedback. When provided in a thoughtful manner — it can significantly improve relationships and culture.
Take Initiative
Independently assess and initiate action as you notice issues.
If we notice something, we do something. Addressing issues early helps contain and minimize effect.
Chooses a Positive Attitude
Exert undoubted positivity while representing the company.
Re-frame challenges, be nice to others and assume responsibility. Find a way to encourage others while promoting teamwork.
Problem Solver
Exercise your mind by creatively resolving issues.
What is the most effective, positive, resident focused, way to resolve an issue? What are a few alternative solutions?
Our Values
Our goal is to support each resident as an individual both
physically and emotionally.